I want to welcome you to this world I call Amyma. I have created Amyma for you, the visitor, to be curious about, to investigate, to be delighted by, and refreshed. Perhaps you will linger for a few minutes, and allow your mind to rest, and your body to settle. This place is an oasis of calm, beauty, and inspiration drawn from the world around us and within.
Amyma is what I call a Virtual Art Park: you may have an experience online that is restorative and feels good in a similar way to what you may feel when enjoying art in a museum or gallery, or when taking your time to soak in the beauty of nature in a wilderness park. There is nothing to do here but explore and enjoy. Most online experiences have something to do with selling or buying, or consuming, and there is often pressure to buy. Here, the point is not to sell, but to make an offering. It is up to you to receive my offering, and there is no pressure! You may stay as long as you wish, and return at any time.

Now in full disclosure, I will be linking places where it will possible to buy my music, or buy items I've designed with my art at my Zazzle store. If folks want to buy my photos or photo art, I may find a way to make that possible. However, that is not the point of this place: if you want to do that, wonderful. If not, that's fine too! It's all welcome here.